I like fairy tales and books with strong girl characters. Undoubtedly, such a character is Mulan. The fairy tale is so beautiful. It shows little girls that everyone is different and there is no single, proven way to be happy in life. This is of course not only a movie for little girls. Each of us can plunge into the world of loyal, brave and true for 1.5 hours.
I started sewing Mulan unexpectedly. While testing a new way of making eyes, I discovered how to make oblique eyes. Then I decided not to model my cheeks so much and make a flatter, Asian face. After I finished it, I knew it was going to be Mulan. Mulan, no disguised as a man. Her hair is loose and she believes she can be appreciated as a female warrior.
I like to sew dolls, I like it very much. I especially enjoyed sewing Mulan. I liked this little doll. With every detail I sewed her, she became more my Mulan. The shoes and belt gave her character. Today I can show her to you. Here she is, my little female warrior.
If you would like to have it, please visit https://www.etsy.com/listing/1112083384/hua-mulan-textile-art-doll?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1.